Gamma Camera | Biomedical Engineers TV |

Updated: May 16, 2024

Biomedical Engineers TV


This video delves into the evolution and workings of gamma cameras in medical imaging, tracing back from the discovery of radioactivity to their widespread adoption. It explains how gamma cameras detect scintillations from radioactive decay, convert photons to light, and produce 2D images of 3D objects. The components of a gamma camera, such as the scintillation crystal and array of photo multiplier tubes, are discussed in detail. Additionally, the video compares mobile and fixed gamma cameras, emphasizing their portability, ability to generate functional scans, and integration with CT for nuclear imaging scans.

Introduction to Gamma Cameras in Medical Imaging

The history and development of gamma cameras in medical imaging, starting from the discovery of radioactivity to the commercial production and widespread use of gamma cameras in visual diagnostics.

What is a Gamma Camera?

Explanation of how gamma cameras work in detecting scintillations produced by gamma rays from radioactive decay, accumulating counts of gamma photons, and providing two-dimensional projections of three-dimensional objects.

How Does a Gamma Camera Machine Work?

Detailed explanation of the functioning of gamma cameras, including the capture and conversion of photons to light, absorption of gamma rays by the scintillation crystal, and reconstruction of images based on detected signals.

Components of a Gamma Camera

Overview of the major components of a gamma camera, including the scintillation crystal, light guide, array of photo multiplier tubes, collimator, and electronic/digital circuits for signal processing and image formation.

Types of Gamma Cameras

Comparison between mobile and fixed gamma cameras, with a focus on their portability, functionality in generating functional scans of organs, and integration of computed tomography (CT) in specked gamma cameras for nuclear imaging scans.


Q: What is the history of gamma cameras in medical imaging?

A: Gamma cameras have a history that starts from the discovery of radioactivity to the commercial production and widespread use of these devices in visual diagnostics.

Q: How do gamma cameras detect scintillations produced by gamma rays?

A: Gamma cameras work by detecting scintillations produced by gamma rays from radioactive decay, accumulating counts of gamma photons, and providing two-dimensional projections of three-dimensional objects.

Q: Can you explain the functioning of gamma cameras in detail?

A: Gamma cameras function by capturing and converting photons to light, absorbing gamma rays with a scintillation crystal, and reconstructing images based on the detected signals.

Q: What are the major components of a gamma camera?

A: The major components of a gamma camera include the scintillation crystal, light guide, array of photo multiplier tubes, collimator, and electronic/digital circuits for signal processing and image formation.

Q: How do mobile and fixed gamma cameras differ?

A: Mobile gamma cameras differ from fixed ones in terms of portability, functionality in generating functional scans of organs, and integration of computed tomography (CT) in some gamma cameras for nuclear imaging scans.


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